Manufacuring and Erection of special apparatus

… appx. 18m long, width of 2,9m and 3,7m height In 2024 we manufacutred a special apparatus for dissolving of salt for our customer K+S at his location in Philippsthal. The apparatus had a length of approximately 18m, was manufacutred in eight parts and had a total weight of 60 tons. Due to the circumstanced […]
Production of two storage containers

… each approx. ø3m x approx. 9.6m In 2023, we manufactured two tanks including a walk-on platform for the company K-Ley GmbH & Co. The containers each had a diameter of approx. 3m and a length of approx. 9.6m. The containers were manufactured by us to be rubberized and completely pre-assembled for adjustment of the […]
Renewal of an extraction system

… over a length of approx. 370m In 2023, we planned, manufactured and installed the extraction pipeline for a Möller building for the steelworks in Salzgitter. The pipeline has diameters from DN150 to DN1400 and extends over a length of approx. 370m. Due to the rerouting of various pipe strings, we were supported here by […]
Stirring vessel for Wintershall

approx. ø3.2m x approx. 5.6m In 2022, we manufactured and installed an agitator vessel for the K+S site “Wintershall” (in Heringen). The vessel has a diameter of approx. 3.2m and a length of approx. 5.6m. Due to the space available during assembly, it was not possible to deliver it ready for installation, so the agitator […]
Crystalliser for Wintershall

ø2.6m x approx. 11.2m In 2022, we manufactured and installed a crystallizer for the K+S site “Wintershall” (in Heringen). The apparatus has a diameter of approx. 2.6m and a length of approx. 11.2m. Due to the space available during assembly, it was not possible to deliver the crystallizer in a ready-to-install state, so it was […]
Pipeline installation for K+S

approx. 640m pipeline DN250 In 2021, we delivered and installed an approx. 640m long steel pipeline for the K+S site “Hattorf” (in Philippsthal). The pipeline has a diameter of 273mm and a wall thickness of 10mm. The pipeline was only connected with flanges in a few places and therefore had to be welded on site […]
Partial renewal of a drying drum

ø3.4 x 8.7m incl. assembly In 2021, we manufactured and installed a drum piece for the partial renewal of a dryer drum for the K+S site “Hattorf” (in Philippsthal). The drum has a diameter of approx. 3.4m and was renewed over a length of approx. 8.7m. Due to its dimensions, it was not possible to […]
Flat-bottom tanks for K+S

… with ø22.0 x 11.8 m or ø25.0 x 8.8 m made of steel with steel structure In 2020 – 2021, we manufactured a total of three flat-bottom tanks for the K+S sites “Hattorf” (in Philippsthal) and Unterbreizbach. The tanks had diameters of 22m and 25m and heights of around 11.8m and 8.8m respectively. Due […]
Intzetanks for K+S

… with ø13.0 x 14.0 m each made of steel with steel structure In the years 2020 – 2022, we manufactured a total of seven invert tanks for the K+S sites “Hattorf” (in Philippsthal) and “Unterbreizbach”. The tanks each had a diameter of 13m and a length of around 14.5m. Due to the dimensions, transportation […]
Torchheads Bremen

… with ø2.0 x 6.5 m each made of stainless steel with steel structure In 2019, we manufactured four new flare heads for the blast furnace gas flares as part of a repair at the steelworks in Bremen. The components each had a diameter of 2.0 m and a maximum length of 6.5 m. The […]