WSM MESSER Spezialmontagen GmbH


Installation of a new galvanizing plant

… in Linz, Austria 2007

nstallation of the galvanizing plant FVZ4 in the factory of VA Stahl in Linz, Austria
Period of assembly: May 2006 until January 2007, including commissioning
Assembly of the mechanics approximately 2.000 to. additionally the loop memory for the company KLAAS SIEMENS approximatly 400 to. steelwork
Installation works in day- and night shift, the picture shows the assembly of the roll housing approximately 75 to. unit weight, using an existing indoor crane, through conversion of the lifting gears of the lifting unit (less velocity, less oscillation), crane in normal operation approved for 46 to.
Complete assembly including RL and IBN of the complex
Prior to that WSM already assembled the FVZ3, BABE2 (Coil coating 2) at habitat VA Stahl (Linz)