WSM MESSER Spezialmontagen GmbH


Cement mill bulk head exchange

Exchange of bulkhead in a cement mill

Replacement of the bulk-head in cement mill ZM8 and rotating of the gear rim
Construction site:       Werk Mannersdorf, Österreich.
Client:                           LAFARGE Perlmooser GmbH
Period of Assembly:  January 2010 – February 2010

Client LAFARGE Perlmooser GmbH Mannersdorf
Replacement of the bulk-head (approx. 40 to.), rotating of the gear rim (approx. 30 to.), Ascending of the bulk-head via a thrust rail, utilization of a transport cart

We are specialized for the following works:

  • Repairs, calibration, measurement at rotary kilns, drying drum and grinding sites
  • including servicing and repair
  • Replacement of mechanical wear coating
  • Maintenance, measurement and adjustment of all ancillary units
  • Hoisting device (mechanical/pneumatical) like bucket conveyors, scrapers and haulage conveyors
  • Dust removal sites including the appendant pipework systems
  • Loosening systems, pick off-attachment and site clearing systems
  • Wastewater renovation sites
  • Industry filters of mechanic and electrostatic building type