WSM MESSER Spezialmontagen GmbH
Cement industry
Assemblies and reconstructions
… in cement mills WSM Messer Spezialmontagen Weimar GmbH is a straight assembly company, which is acting in the field of industry assemblies since decades.
Cement kiln shot replacement
… Repairs and maintenance Welding of the connecting seams using a UP tractor (type A2TF ESAB) on the construction site during the reassembly of the
Repair of a cement kiln DEUNA
… Assembly of a complete cement kiln Assembly of a cement rotary kiln DRO 3.800, LAFARGE cement plant WössingenPeriod of assembly: August 2008 until February
Cement mill bulk head exchange
… Exchange of bulkhead in a cement mill Replacement of the bulk-head in cement mill ZM8 and rotating of the gear rimConstruction site: Werk Mannersdorf,
Cement kiln gear rim replacement
… Cement kiln replacement of toothring in Karsdorf Replacement of the gear rim course with gear rim and pinion shaft at rotary kiln no. 3
Dismantling of an oven-race-section DEUNA
… Replacement of a kiln barrel ring weft Replacement race-section with race in rotary kiln 1, station 2 Client: