Installation of a steel converter
… Replacement Converter in Salzgitter 2007
In the plant Salzgitter of the client Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
Period of assembly: January 2007 until March 2007
Plant shutdown 21 days for container replacement
Contractor SMS DEMAG
Approx. 6 weeks pre-assembly in Salzgitter, replacement of entire vessel in 21 days stagnancy, unit weight approx. 330 to., fabrication and utilization of a special cross beam for the replacement, via charging crane, limited height of stroke, ascending of the old vessel and bringing in of the new vessel via thrust rail (LaStro GmbH), entire teeming platform was replaced, because vessel was replaced entirely, an option was the fragmentation of the vessel, but the client wanted to minimize the stagnancy (21 instead of 32 days).