MESSER was certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2015

2018-06-20 (Click image to enlarge)
MESSER Personalservice GmbH re-certified according to SCP

… SAFETY is a top priority for us MESSER Personalservice GmbH, the personnel service provider of the MESSER Group, was re-certified in December 2019. (Click image to enlarge)
WSM take-over as of January 1st 2010

Hersfelder newspaper and HNA of the 16th and 17th december 2009 The MESSER Industriemontagen & Apparatebau GmbH has signed the contracts for the take-over of WSM Weimarer Spezialmontagen and Industrieservice GmbH on November 30th 2009. The take-over occurs as of January 1st 2010 in line with an Asset-Deal. (Click image to enlarge) > Today’s WSM […]
Safety trophy for MESSER

Safety-Trophy for MESSER SOLVAY Carbonate France, 19th May 2009 On May 19th 2009 the Company MESSER Industriemontagen & Apparatebau GmbH was honored on the occasion of a celebratory event in Dombasle sur Meurthe by SOLVAY Carbonate France with the coveted “Trophee de Securite” for accident-free working. In the course of the year 2008 the MESSER Industriemontagen […]
Detours to the Main river

Hersfelder Zeitung from 2009-03-18 (Click image to enlarge)
Triple the workforce is still not enough

Kreisanzeiger from 2008-07-16 (Click image to enlarge)
Workforce tripled

Hersfelder Zeitung from 2008-07-16 (Click image to enlarge)
Messer’s flexible personnel reserve

Hersfelder Zeitung from 2006-03-04 (Click image to enlarge)
Another bath for Bad Hersfeld

Hersfelder Zeitung from 2007-06-05 (Click image to enlarge)
Safety seal of quality for MESSER

Hersfelder Zeitung from 2007-11-22 (Click image to enlarge)